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A therapeutic environment where teens can learn about their inner lives.

The only immersive menstrual wellness app.

If you want to know more about menstruation and cycles..

Introduction to Howami by Sjanie from The Red School
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You are the main character in a world about yourself.
Set up your avatar; upload a selfie, adjust body size, skin colour, hair style and many other options.
No judgement. Be your true self.

Create your avatar-self

Track cycles

We've reinvented cycle tracking. Now it's simpler, quicker and more enjoyable than ever before.
Swipe and interact visually with your menstrual cycle and emotions.
See where you are (and where you will be), in one glance.

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Build your inner-world

We give you the tools to build your own virtual world, wherever you are.
A world to express your emotions, your mood and cycle.

Helps you understand yourself and allows others to connect with you.

Store, sort and share in our cycle library.

Find insights from past days.
Sorting of images by Cycle Day, Emotion or Season/Phase.
Learn from patterns in order to see whats coming.
Your data is safe as it's saved on your phone only!

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Core Principles

Whole Cycle Living

Whole Cycle Living

Your cycle is not just your period and emotions are not to be ignored. Howami makes every day of your cycle important and every emotion a lesson.

Inner World

Howami is not for advice. It can be hard to describe menstrual symptoms and deep feelings to others. Howami’s Inner World will reveal what’s going on under the surface, to you (or to those who you want to share with).

Explore and Discover

Howami is not a search engine. Take a break from facts and figures. Howami is a safe space to explore how wonderful you are. To see it, learn from it and (if you want) share it with others.


Howami is not a game and it’s not a race to be perfect. But Howami is meant to be “played”. Play the main character in your own life.


Howami don’t want your data. In Howami, your personal cycle and emotion data never leave your phone. Everything is safely stored within the app itself.

Howami for you.

Understanding your unique menstrual Cycle patterns is so important to living your most confident, empowered life! 

We have designed a revolutionary app that can be your companion and trusted friend, every step of the way
Come home to yourself each day, by asking the simple question: how am I?

In Howami you can understand yourself as you've never have before. 

Create your Avatar-self, track your Menstrual Cycle and emotions and see your cycle-day as a visual world to keep close to your heart, or to share with others.

Our purpose is to improve the lives of young people around the world, increase the awareness of Menstruation and to provide a valuable Mental Health resource.

Howami inclusivity statement

"We recognize that while the Menstrual Cycle is a biological process, gender isn’t fixed. We strongly believe in Menstrual inclusivity and so are using the phrase “Cycling people” or “Menstruators” when referring to the App User Community."

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Bristol, UK


(00 44) 7786371011



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Site designed by Howami.

Howami is a registered trademark.

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