by Nikki Berridge
We at Howami aim towards not only actualising this vision, but we also introduce the concept of “menstruality” as a vital field of empowerment. Our choice to focus on Generation Z/young users (at the beginning of the Cycling Years), gives huge potential for shifts in the mainstream narrative and the future.
Excerpt from Wild Power by
Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
“We’d like to share a vision with you that we hope will gift a Deeper understanding of the Impact, and to open possibilities for the personal Journey as a woman, and where that might lead us in Society.”
“Imagine that the menstrual Cycle is honored as the source of Life for us Humans, and that the cycles of life are revered and respected-instilling a deep reverence for the planet and everything on it.”
“Imagine that knowledge of the full spectrum and power of the menstrual cycle is Commonplace, and that all women feel the utter rightness of having this experience within them.”
“Imagine that throughout our communities & institutions , menstruality knowledge is respected, that we use it to support girls & women from menarche to menopause and beyond. “
“Imagine girls growing up in this menstrual-affirming world.”
“When a girl arrives at menarche (the first bleed) she feels a real dignity and a strong ‘yes’ to her being. As her Cycle establishes itself she learns how to chart it (to record the physical, mental & emotional patterns), so she can literally READ her own body. Awareness of the menstrual Cycle becomes second nature to her - as natural as eating and sleeping.”
“The passage of a girl's emerging sexuality is befriended, and she is empowered to feel pleasure in her body and be clear about ‘consent’. “
“When the issue of contraception arises for a woman, she’s already grounded in Cycle awareness, including her fertility signs. Instead of hormonal contraception dominating the conversation, she now has choices.
“As she matures, she learns how to work with the inner seasons & power of the menstrual cycle, as an inner guide and tool for creating Well being. She’s developed impeccable self care from years of living and loving her Cycle, by accepting and knowing her physical & emotional strengths & vulnerabilities and how to care for them. “
“Imagine a world in which all women who choose to become mothers are prepared for conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood with their practiced body knowledge and self understanding.”
“Imagine that throughout a woman's menstruating years she grows a fierce inner dignity about the uniqueness of who she is- a deep affirmation that comes through her mindful engagement with the menstrual cycle. “
“Through years of cycle awareness she’s supported to grow into her full capacity to take responsibility for who she is, and the world she lives in.”
As consciousness is brought to bear on all aspects of this new emerging field, we can harness the lived experience, impact and potential of what it actually means to connect with one's menstruality.